Friday, April 17, 2020

Enter The Void - The Walls Inside Part 6 (The End)

how are you

The question came from a friend last night by test message. I am trying to be still but I keep forgetting, was my response.

My response, not about art or walls, could be translated to an art confession: I am trying to sit with an empty wall, but want to fill it. I guess I, like my children, abhor a vacuum. Or am just not chill with it. 

To the message I added this photo. It's a little watercolor taped to the wall I cleared the other day when I said I was going to sit with that emptiness. I didn't sit long. This is not about interior decorating. I actually prefer empty walls. But these walls were asked to tell the future (and sometimes to tell the past) with respect to the the art I would make (or had made). 

I filled and emptied the wall space above my dresser with this little watercolor of an empty text message and responding ellipsis. (It's funny to think that a painting can be Apple-specific. Funny or gross, I guess.)

This seemed like a valid illustration to my claim that I was trying to be still but kept failing. (deliberate change from forgetting to failing.) Yesterday I filled the space with a watercolor/colored pencil drawing of a piece of legal paper. Filling a space with space. Filling the void with a void. And then I await an answer...

I address the void, draw it: This is the void; I am fine with that. 

I am totally not fine with that but I am, as they say, working on it. 


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